**“You Aren’t Going to Need It” - develop what’s needed now, not what you think you’ll need.** YAGNI = a slogan of “Extreme Programming”. > Don’t build flexible components and frameworks for the first case that may need them. Let those structures grow as they are needed. > This makes for better [[Agile]] work. You can deliver the feature faster. You have less chance of having built a complex thing that will not be needed due to future requirements changes. > [!tldr] 👉 Do the simplest thing that could possibly work. Simple design is better that complex. See the [[The Zen of Python]]. In my experience, when re-writing the [[PDW]], I built in a lot of “pre-planned” functionality that wound up becoming totally unnecessary (and deleted) later on. **** ### Source [Is Design Dead?](https://www.martinfowler.com/articles/designDead.html) ### Related - [[The Zen of Python]] - [[Simple is Maintainable]] - [[Elimination & Optimization Quote]]