[[Health is Vague]] as a term. It's really an umbrella term that encompasses many mutually orthogonal(-ish) but interrelated _aspects_ of health. Similar to the [[Facets of Fitness]], there's probably no universally agreed to concise way to slice and dice health into it's constituent [[Decomposition Understanding|components]], but doing a cross section of my previous learning and some research here lead to this list.
> [!note] Notes
> 1. There's many other ways you make this hierarchy
> 2. This note does not consider [[Index Card - Finance|financial health]]
# Neurological & Psychological Health
- [[Mental Health]] - regarding happiness, depression, addiction, etc
- Neurological health - regarding the physical function of the [[Brain Facts|brain]]
- Sensory health - regarding your body's ability to sense its environment; blindness, deafness, etc
- Spiritual health - regarding your connection to your purpose or the meaning of life, i.e. [[Ikigai]]
Can be supported by activities like:
- [[Meditation]] & [[Mindfulness & Now|mindfulness]]
- [[Sleep Detriment|Sleep]]
- [[Social Connections Protect Your Brain|Social Connections]]
- Psychotherapy, [[Logotherapy]], and [[Bullet Journaling|Journaling]]
- Spending time in nature & [[Sunlight Exposure|sunlight]]
- Managing [[Stress]] -- shows up in a lot of these places
# Cardiometabolic Health
- [[Metabolic Health]] - regarding your [[Mitochondria]] and your body's other energy systems
- [[Cardiovascular Health]] - regarding your heart and rest of your circulatory system
- Pulmonary health - regarding [[Ideal Breathing|breathing]] and the mechanisms of oxygen exchange
- Hormonal Health - regarding [[Hormones]] and the endocrine system
Can be supported by activities like:
- Maintaining a [[Healthy Diet]] & staying [[Hydration|hydrated]]
- [[Ideal Exercise Regiment|Strength and Aerobic Training]]
- [[Intermittent Fasting]]
- Managing [[Stress]]
# Musculoskeletal & Mobility Health
- Joint health - regarding your joints and connective tissues
- Bone health - regarding bone density, mostly
- Muscular health - regarding strength, endurance, and function
Can be supported by activities like:
- [[Yoga]], [[Stretching Manuvers|stretching]], and mobility work
- Posture & ergonomics
- Walking, especially hiking
# Digestive & Immune Health
- Gastrointestinal health - regarding the digestive system, including your [[Microbiome]]
- Immune health - regarding the body's ability to fight infection, regulate [[Inflammation]] and avoid autoimmunity
- Inflammatory health - regarding chronic inflammation, allergies, etc
- Dermatological health - regarding the skin & ability to heal from flesh wounds
Can be supported by activities like:
- A varied & [[Anti-inflammatory Diet]]
- [[Intermittent Fasting]]
- Proper [[Hydration]]
- [[Cold Exposure]] & [[Heat Exposure]]
- [[Stress]] management
All of these are **related** and somewhat **overlapping**. For example [[Ankylosing Spondylitis]] is definitely related to _both_ Immune health and Musculoskeletal health.
> [!note] Note
> Doing some googling here _really_ reveals the gigantic number of different ways people have skinned this cat.
> ![[Pasted image 20250228102730.png]]
## Source
- Self
- ChatGPT
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