**Stress** is a big topic and I cannot do it justice here, but here goes.
> [!note] This note is **not** about the _physics_ definition of stress.
Stress is an umbrella term for **physiological stress** and **psychological stress**, which are separate (but related) things. They are both caused by **stressors**, which can come in all sorts of forms (physical, emotional, mental, etc)
# Types
## Psychological Stress
Psychological stress refers to the emotional, spiritual, and mental strain caused by stress. This includes things like:
- Fear, worry, and [[Anxiety]]
- Irritability
- Depression
Psychological stress is caused by more _personal_ factors than is physiological stress. Financial hardship, [[Expectations - Control = Depression|high expectations]], relationship issues, and other areas from the top-half(ish) of [[Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs]].
## Physiological Stress
Physiological stress refers specifically to the body's _physical response_ to stress. This includes things like:
- Increased heart rate (and decreased [[Heart Rate Variability|HRV]])
- Sweat
- Muscle tension
- Impacts to the digestive system
- due to the triggering of "fight, flight, or freeze" response and stunting the "rest and digest" mode
Physiological stress can arise _from_ psychological stress, but also from environmental & situational factors.
# Interaction & comparison
- Physiological stress can be measured directly by instruments, whereas psychological stress basically needs to be self-reported.
- These forms of stress can cause and be caused by one-another. See: [[Anxiety and Overbreathing]]
# Managing Stress
This is somewhat of an index of stress management notes rather than a section covering stress management. So - see:
- [[Meditation]]
- [[Interoception]]
- [[Anxiety and Overbreathing]]
- [[Exercise, Sleep, and Diet are 85% of Mental Health]]
- [[Ideal Exercise Regiment]]
- [[Protect Sleep]]
- [[Social Connections Protect Your Brain]]
- [[Go Outside]]
## Source
- Dozens of books from across my sources have covered stress before I wrote this note for it
- ChatGPT to generated an overview comparing the two types above
- Actually, I also ran this against Gemini & Deepseek-R1
## Related
- [[Stress Response Cycle]]