At some point approaching adulthood you came to the *overly simplistic* fundamental assumption: "*Productivity is Good*". This is true… *sometimes*. **There is nothing inherently good[^1] about productivity**. Sure, if you’re productive, then by definition you produce a result... but results aren’t inherently good *either*. The world already has results. Too many, in fact. * Does the "productive activity" make you happy? - Does the result make you happy? - Does it make the world better? When you *want* to be productive and can’t, then it feels like “*productivity is good*”, but that ignores the question of **why do you want to be productive in the first place**? Productivity is *bad* if: 1) you're not enjoying the process, and the results aren't outweighing that 2) because the results are unnecessary 3) because the results are bad 4) achieving results that are worth the [[3 Personal Resources]] you’re using and that result cannot be achieved via more enjoyable Productivity is *good* if: 1) The results are truly worth the suck 2) If the process doesn't suck and the results are okay Productivity is *great* if: 1) The results are good, and the process is enjoyable [^1]: …or bad… but who’s arguing that? **** ### Source - self ### Related - [[Love the Process]] - [[Results are not Presence]]