I made this graphic to show status & history of my epic two-year shower remodel project
### The Graphic
### As-is Analysis
The graphic is **super** enlightening, and brought a lot of clarity/appreciation for this massive project.
#### It illustrates
* **Context** - what started it and when it ends
* **History** - what's been done
* **Slowdowns** - what work was unplanned
* **Status** - what's next
* **Forecast** - what planned work remains
### Future Development
This is a concept I'd really like to explore more. There are a few different aspects I could spend some time developing:
#### Tooling
The graphic above used the [[Whiteboarding App]] "Freeform" by Apple. It could be interesting to use [[Obsidian]] Canvases for these. It would really only make sense to use if I were using [[Obsidian for Projects]].
To handle decomposition, you’d probably need some form of modeling tool instead of purely graphical one. You'd basically be modeling *units of work*. Each unit of work would **ideally** (note: not *practically*) have:
- **Composition** - what are the steps needed to complete a task, what tasks are needed to complete a project phase, etc
- **Constraints** - what work must be done before what other work, what external constraints are there
- **Cost** - how much money was planned? How much money did it really take?
- **Schedule** - how much time was planned? How much time did it really take?
- **Notes** - essentially a record of assembly alongside a work log. The stuff you interact with while doing the work would ideally feed into the system directly.
Honestly a [[SysML]] tool would work.
After playing with this concept for a couple hours, I think [[Notion]] is still the best available tool... it just lacks the arbitrary graphic capability. It also doesn't have conditional formatting, so you'd have to just have a labeled property. Dunno. No tool does very specifically what I'm picturing. ^fa9d7d
#### [[Project Decomposition]]
This is showing a single, fairly high-level view. It would be neat if these elements work work could be drilled into/replaced with the [[Action→Task→Project→Area Hierarchy|actions]] that it took to accomplish them.
I would imagine a paginated approach to this, where work tasks belonged to increasingly higher levels of activity.
#### Gantt
This view shows constraint flow, like an [[IDEF0]] diagram. It doesn’t really show durations or dates like [[Gantt Charts]] do. Ideally this would show a comparison between the current state and the original plan (aka “baseline”).
#### [[Budget]]
It would be awesome to show the amount planned versus the amount spent.
#### Analysis of Alternatives
This is entering into galaxy brain territory, but you *could* chart an "expected baseline" for each alternative path for project completion, then use the real-world results as a basis of comparison. How did your actual project fair in comparison to the original baseline? How did it compare to the original baseline of the path not taken?
**Example**: Use a Contractor, or do it yourself
### Comparison to EVM
EVM is a project management technique I have never really covered in these notes despite knowing a lot about it. It’s occurring to me only after having written all of the above that I’m describing a visual representation of EVM, basically. All of the Earned Value [[Metrics]] would essentially be applicable here. EV is way more rigorous than this, though.
### Source
- Self
### Related
- [[Diagram Types (index)]]