This note is me putting into practice the learnings from various sources about [[Enterprise Architecture]], applied to the context of my [[PDW]]. Pulling together the "Essential" (and probably some *common*) [[Enterprise Architecture Artifacts]] from the [[CSVLOD]] model. > [!warning] Caveat > I recognize that this is a poor approximation of literal *Enterprise* Architecture. I am serving as both business and IT. I won't run into scalability issues, like overly strict [[EA Standards]], for example. It is, however, yielding better understanding already. ## [[EA Considerations]] ### [[EA Considerations#Principles|Principles]] - Principle: **Portability** - Statement: PDW data must not be locked in to a particular vendor - Rationale: The project's desired lifetime is longer than I expect any current-day technology/vendor to go - Implications: I standardize around *interfaces*, rather than rely on proprietary data formats - Principle: **Ease of Ingress** - Statement: Recording new data should be possible via simple web requests - Rationale: Friction in inputting data results in data not being input. - Implications: [[RESTful API]]s are preferred over methods requiring logins ### [[EA Considerations#Policies|Policies]] - **Mark as Deleted, never Delete** - Data shouldn't be *actually* deleted, instead it should simply be marked "deleted". This prevents catastrophic data loss via API abuse or fat fingering. - **Design for Federation** - Monolithic databases work will, but become stagnant and brittle to change. Solutions should make working with independent data stores easy without duplication of data. ### [[EA Considerations#Conceptual Data Models|Conceptual Data Model]] ![[Pasted image 20240529223100.png]] ## [[EA Standards]] ### [[EA Standards#Technology Reference Models|Tech Reference Model]] ![[Pasted image 20240529223232.png]] ### [[EA Standards#Guidelines|Guidelines]] - Use surrogate IDs for everything - Use ISO-8601 strings for dates ### [[EA Standards#Patterns|Patterns]] ![[Pasted image 20240531101129.png]] ## [[EA Visions]] ### [[Business Capability Models]] ![[Pasted image 20240531183859.png]] ### [[EA Visions#Roadmaps|Roadmaps]] ![[Pasted image 20240601223630.png]] ### [[EA Visions#Target States|Target States]] ![[Pasted image 20240601223737.png]] ## [[EA Landscapes]] ### [[EA Landscapes#Landscape Diagrams|Landscape]] ![[Pasted image 20240602150739.png]] ### [[EA Landscapes#Enterprise System Portfolios|System Portfolio]] ![[IMG_1250.jpeg]] **** ### Source - Self ### Related -