**Start each day with a post-it sized agenda of tasks.** The Daily Post It note is a technique in which you begin the day by making a Post-It sized agenda. The agenda will include the meetings you plan to attend and a FEW goals for the day. ## Why The lack of real-estate on a post-it note forces you to be realistic about what you can accomplish in a given day. If you find yourself running out of space, you'll find yourself running out of time in the day to do the things you wrote down. Post-it note planning forces you to prioritize. Also it's a nice visual reminder of what you need to [[focus]] on that day. ### The Ivy Lee Post-it You could end the day by creating tomorrow's post-it. A sort of [[Ivy Lee Method]]. **** ### Source - [[Todoist Productivity Articles]] ### Related - [[3 Goals a Day]] - [[Eat the Frog]]