**A take on personal OKRs & daily/weekly/monthly planning.** Taylor Pearson's system for connected goal-setting & moving toward who you want to be. Cal Newport has a similar method he calls "Multi-scale Planning". It's related to David Allen's [[Six Horizons of Focus]]. Antifragile Planning is a series of selection, execution, and review cycles, broken out on an escalating timeline, to ensure the day-to-day activities are in alignment with your overall goals and continue to be the most effective things. ![[A2705359-79C3-4179-A5AB-24F75D2DB2EB.jpeg.jpeg]] # Steps ## Quarterly 1. Refine a 25 Year Vision for yourself, describing who you want to become 2. Pick **ONE** quarterly goal - something you can deliver in 90 days to move you toward that vision 1. Have an escape plan - if the goal isn't met, how could you so benefit from the work? ## Monthly Pick 1-3 key results to focus on for the month to move you toward your 90 day goal. ## Weekly Pick 1-3 key things to [[focus]] on each week to move you toward your monthly goal. Establish [[KPIs]] for those focus areas. Use a mix of [[Lagging Measures]] and [[Leading Measures]]. ## Daily Pick 1-3 highest priority things to move you toward your weekly goal. [[3 Goals a Day]] Each day, don't think so much about "if this week's thing is the thing you should be doing". That only undermines progress. **Trust the decision you made was valid. Work the task at hand as focused as you can.** During your *next* evaluation period you can see whether it's still the right choice. Trust that. Apply your best effort so that, if it fails, you know it wasn't due to lack of effort. This is a [[Decide and Move On]] framework. **** ### Source - [[Antifragile Planning (article)]] ### Related - [[OKRs]] - [[Decide and Move On]] - [[3 Goals a Day]] - [[SMART Goals]] - [[Zero-Based Budgeting]]