"[[The 12 Week Year]]" is a productivity book. The main sales pitch of the book is similar to what GCPGrey's "Themes" - that you should organize your life around 12 week "sprints" (to borrow an [[Agile]] term). To do quarterly [[Periodic Reviews]]. The method really leans into [[SMART Goals]] and recommends the use of [[Time Blocking]].
> [!quote] Discard annualized thinking - Brian P Moran
This is basically a slice of the [[Antifragile Planning Method]].
### Why 12 Weeks
The idea is that **12 weeks is long enough to do something significant, but short enough to maintain a sense of urgency**. It also gives you a chance to start again relatively quickly if you end up crapping out on a set of goals. It shortens the horizon of your *predictions* when making plans, making your predictions about the future less likely to accumulate differences to the point where your plan no longer makes sense.
This particular methodology suggests forming weekly [[KPIs]] to keep yourself accountable and motivated. It made me realized the practice of pairing leading & lagging indicators is good because [[Leading indicators measure strategy adherence and lagging indicators measure strategy effectiveness]].
## Method
From the guide.
### Aspirational Vision
Do a dream boarding session. Think about the 5, 10, 15 year [[Six Horizons of Focus#5 - Purpose & Principles|horizons]]. Think about:
- What you want to **have**
- What you want to **do**
- Who you want to **be**
The goal here is to dream *big*. Make it something you *really want*. Don't feel hemmed in by where you are today. This is the long-term.
### 36-month Vision
Back off from the long term and into the more mid-term [[Six Horizons of Focus#4 - Three-to-Five Year Goal]]. This should take into consideration more where you already are, and provide *realistic* targets. This is a refinement of the above that's a bit more specific.
### 12 Week Plan
### Weekly Plan
Actually turn those bullets into checkboxes and that’s pretty much your weekly scorecard, too.
### [[Time Blocking]]
The 12 Week Year dines out on the concept of Time Blocking. In particular they suggest 3 kind of time blocks:
- [[Types of Time Blocks#Strategy Block]] - to work only tasks in the weekly plan
- [[Types of Time Blocks#Buffer Block]] - to work only on admin stuff (e.g. email)
- [[Types of Time Blocks#Breakout Block]] - to basically *not* work, sus.
### Source
- [GCPGrey's Seasonal "Themes"](https://youtu.be/NVGuFdX5guE?si=1SX_DHnkSGHxSq-8)
- [This dude's review of a book by the same name](https://youtu.be/6wQhRRWPqFE?si=Xol3m-ZiBBAiG9xg)
- [[The 12 Week Year]]
- [The official 12 Week Year training guide course materials](https://12weekyear.com/wp-content/uploads/ttt-Participant-Workbook.pdf)
### Related
- [[Seasons Defined]]
- [[30 Day Challenge]]